So this is my longest bath ever. A semester in England. Cool, right?
This is the third day I've ben here - the second day of orientation. My roommate, Leah, has a blog about her time in Bath, and I decided that I would hop on the bandwagon, add one more bookmark to my toolbar that will take up my time as well as property in cyberspace, and keep track of what goes on in English-town.
(A very hastily-taken photo of my view in my room. The Avon River!) |
I really dig it here! Everyone seems really great so far - tutors, staff and students alike. I'm really happy with my roommate, given previous random roommate assignment experience (candy underwear and whipped cream and creepy boyfriends... that's all I'm going to say). I'm actually really happy I'm not in a single, because that can get lonely (ah!).
We've all been exploring and trying to figure out where we are. It'll take me a long time for sure, but Nunes House, where I'm living, is pretty much in the center of everything so I don't have to go very far for the important things. I'll explore more when I have the time.
There's a lot of places to buy cheap sandwiches for lunch, and yesterday I asked a very nice old English lady what a polw-ga-man's sandwich meant, to which she responded "Oh! You mean ploughman (plow-man)! It just means lettuce an tomato!" I felt very American - though even as an American I should be able to figure out how to pronounce that. But whatever. Live and learn, now I know, etc. etc.
Then we cooked some pasta and veggies in our flat with the girls upstairs, including Laura from Skidmore with legally bought wine and cheese and crackers. It was great. And it's also great getting to know Laura and Katie from Skidmore better - both people I kind of knew before but not really. Afterwards we went out to Belushi's Pub, where our team, "American Pie," lost miserably at quiz night. We had a good time though. The baristas were Australian and chatty, and suggested the cider ale. delicious.
Today were diagnostic exams and academic orientations - meaning we got out syllabi and wrote some essays. All of my classes look SO VERY interesting and exciting. I can't wait. At all. I really really can't wait. I get to spend each Monday in Oxford... what?? I know.
The gears in my brain are starting to turn again, and it feels good. It also feels good to be walking around, and to be talking to and seeing people again. Not a lot of that was going on in Guilford when i was there. Needless to say, I am a very happy camper right now. Maybe a little nervous, but in general, a very happy camper.