Sunday, 12 September 2010

Classes, London, etc.

Let me say that I am SO VERY HAPPY that I'm in Bath instead of in London. London is scary! Bath is not. This is what I learned while staying with some SkidKids in "Little Lebanon." We did go to the Tate, though, and saw some modern art, which was nice, and also saw a play, which was alright. The Acting was great, and I thought it was funny, but it was just long and extremely predictable. The sets were also amazing. Design for Living, is the name.

Classes have gone well so far, except Ghosts and the Gothic tutor scared the shit out of all of us. Maybe he was just trying to be intimidating, but it will definitely still be a lot of work. A book a week plus extra stuff. I ignored everything I was supposed to do this weekend. Oops.

The Jack the Ripper tour and the cemetery were both really interesting to me. The cemetery was extremely overgrown, and the whole serial killer thing is just fascinating to me. I don't know, I guess I blame Dexter.

No pictures: no camera.


  1. I am so jealous that you went on the Jack the Ripper tour! I would love that as well, since I'm a forensic psychology major and all. :)
